[No.9] Me Created Me

-Reflection on Simulations P49-58

Another mind-blowing chapter right here. It is only nine pages, but the information contained is a whole new world. The idea of Truthful TV (Tv-verite) has quite a lot of things to dig into. As in the area of psychology, one research methods that is always contain uncontrollable element is the observational method. Researcher observes and describe a subject's behavior and further use in the research. However, in order to legally reach out to the subject, researcher needs to ask for permission for the observation before start any experiment. The same thing happened to Louds family, they allow and encourage the filming process going inside the house. But based on the observational methods in psychology, when people are being examined, regardless in which form, people will in some level consciously act out of their own characters. It doesn't mean what they decide to act is not what they don't intend to, it just maybe slightly different than what they normally do when there is no one watching them. In this case, just as Baudrillard says, "An absurd, paradoxical formula-neither true, nor false: but utopian"(50) thus formed in this circumstance.

In here, Baudrillard is questioning about the process in the unconscious part of brain when there are exterior elements intrude into human's life. When people are being filmed, is that really the natural form of how they really are, or the media is controlling who they are.

"TV watches us, TV alienates us, TV manipulates us, TV informs us..." (56)
We are all being controlled by the extrinsic factor from the beginning, and our creative ideas in the head is all being planted unconsciously by the mass media. But when is the origin of the beginning, what is before all these things tho?  How can all these things make sense if everything is for simulation, a simulation for what?

If WE are the news, we are the social. We are not the persuasion but the deterrence(53). Doesn't that mean we are influencing ourselves? We decide which move to take, what to draw, who to speak with...It feels like real and uninterrupted, but we ourselves are the interruption toward our own mind.



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