[No.1]I'M fAKe, U r FakE, wE dOn't eVen eXIsT

-Reflection of Simulations p1-13

JAMMERS is back!!! How's everyone doing at home/room/anywhere hanging by themselves? I wish all our amazing artistic classmates can use this period of time alone wisely and develop a lot of artistic and thoughtful skills at home!!

I am doing actually very well here thank you for asking. Online self-learning is actually a pretty good chance for me to start focusing on myself and my own work. No other distraction from the external world actually allows me to dig down into the artistic and philosophical world really well. 

SIMULATIONS by Jean Baudrillard is so FUN to read omg!! I got kinda crazy and too fascinated by the book. I just drank a cup of coffee that's why I am saying everything so hyper now.

World of Tomorrow (2015), Don Hertzfeld

The first topic Simulations discuss about is the hyperrealistic existence of "map". Since nowadays we understand that in simulation, the map can be inaugurated without any consideration of the circumference, the meaning of map(territory) can be made up later.  I comprehended this idea and come up with two ways that people interact with this world: 

1. INPUT: subject exists, people transform the subject into a referential form to have a better understanding of it, in the end, it could provide a summarized conclusion.

2. OUTPUT: people have the conclusion first (a idea, a thought), then we express this idea by transforming it into a media which other people can see and understand, it end of becoming a subject.

I guess I am the type of person who is so good at doing output but never listen to other people carefully. Anyway, with the idea of input and output, this brings me into a deeper level of thinking:

What's the meaning of "meaning"?

Is meaning a subjective thing or objective Do I understand the meaning to the world like I state above as an input, or I actually determine the meaning of the world?

Maybe the input is part of the output, for example, if I say the earth is a cube shape, and I truly believe in that, isn't that the truth of my world? Doesn't the meaning also sounds true, even though only for me?

World of Tomorrow (2015), Don Hertzfeld

When the book talks about "Metaphysical", it reminds me of the two terms I learn in high school, which are "Idealism" and "Materialism". To be more specific, there are "subjective/objective idealism", "subjective/objective materialism". What I believe that make the most sense for me is the "objective materialism": everything in the world exist and originated naturally first, then the world creates me. The interaction I have with the world makes who I am. 

Later on, when I think about the output I make for the world, it feels like I actually do have my own conscious and I am making something out from my mind. The thought I gave to this world might make some different in the future. However, based on what Jean Baudrillard states in his book, "in fact they were not images, such as the original model I would have made them, but actually perfect simulacra forever radiant with their own fascination"(9, Baudrillard). Maybe all my thoughts are still under the whole simulation, it supposed to happen from the beginning of the world. Everything people try to reveal are all set up and mean to happen. In a word everything is fake, but not even fake, cuz there is actually nothing truly exist.

World of Tomorrow (2015), Don Hertzfeld

World of Tomorrow (2015), Don Hertzfeld


Idk why but I just wrote a whole essay here we go. And all the gif come from a short film I really like, it's called World of Tomorrow. Check it out!!

World of Tomorrow (2015), Don Hertzfeld

New Vocabulary Notes
Late update: I forgot to put the new words I take notes on from the only 13 pages...

irradiating: brighten
discursive: opposite of conclusive
coextensively: exist together
culminate: top peak point
engulfed: drown in
synthesis: summarized combination of everything
irradiating synthesis: 辐照合成
curvature: curve
resurrection: reborn, be alive again from death
ductile: flexible
Parody: bad imitation
metastable: relatively stable
vicissitude: circulation of the world both negative and positive
dissimulate: hide, mask
metaphysical: Idealism/materialism
platonic: ideal, plato thoughts
circumference: atmosphere
Radical: origin
Negation: rejection
reversion: reconstruct
sacrament: divine 
inaugurate: create
proliferation: multiplication
escalation: increase, enhance


  1. I really like how you labeled 'input' and 'output'. It helps me understand the readings more. I also love the gifs you incorporated they are so relevant to Simulations when I think about it.


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